Sunday, November 24, 2013

BatKid Saves Gotham City!

BatKid Saves Gotham City!
Five-year-old Miles Scott, a leukemia patient, got to become BatKid for a day and saved Gotham City (which was really the city of San Francisco) from bad guys! Click on the links below for photos of the day as it happened!
Scott was diagnosed with leukemia when he was only 18 months old, but he is currently in remission! Eleven thousand Make-A-Wish Foundation volunteers worked together to make his dream of becoming a superhero for a day true, just like they did for seven-year-old Alex Lelenoa.
San Francisco's NFL and baseball teams even got involved! The San Francisco 49ers tweeted "Our hero has arrived. The streets of San Francisco are safe today," which attracted a lot of people to watch BatKid in action.
The Obamas even showed their support for BatKid on Twitter! Michelle wrote, "Thanks for catching all those bad guys #SFBatKid! You're an inspiration to us all," and President Obama posted a video congratulating him for saving Gotham City.
BatKid took to the streets with Batman at 9:30 a.m. on Friday after police chief Greg Suhr told them there was a damsel in distress needing BatKid's help!
The damsel was tied up to a green 'bomb' covered in question marks in the middle of a busy road. BatKidfigured out that it must have been the Riddler who was responsible and saved the damsel!
After the Riddler was taken care of, the Penguin sent out tweets announcing that his plan to "dampen spirits in this town" was almost complete and that he and his henchman were preparing to kidnap the San Francisco Giants' mascot, Lou Seal!
The Penguin drove Lou Seal to AT&T Park, where he and Batman had to complete obstacles before getting in. Once inside, the Penguin tied up Lou Seal...but not for long. BatKid united Lou Seal and cornered the Penguin so police could capture him and take him to jail with the Riddler.
Next BatKid went to San Francisco's City Hall to accept the key to the city from Mayor Edwin M. Lee and thousands of people turned out for the ceremony.
The San Francisco Chronicle even printed a special edition newspaper where it changed it's name to the Gotham City Chronicle. BatKid was featured on the front page of the paper under the headline "BatKid Saves City."
Way to go, BatKid! Gotham City wouldn't be safe without you!

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