Saturday, November 16, 2013

High School Students Set Bubble Wrap Popping Record

Who says that Swedish kids are the only one that get to play at school? On January 29th, 2013, 336 students and faculty members at New Jersey's Hawthorne High School got to skip some classes and have fun too. In this case however, the 'play'involved something a little more low-tech - Simultaneously popping, crackling and snapping as much Bubble Wrap as they possibly could, in two short minutes!
Besides setting a new Guinness World Record for stomping over a whopping 8,000 square feet of Bubble Wrap, the school also raised money for the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School. And what was even more fun was that the record was broken in the the same town where the popular packaging product was accidently created 56 years ago, by two engineers trying to invent a type of plastic wallpaper!

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